Christian Education

Sunday School

Adult Bible Class

The Adult Bible Class is a cordial, friendly group that welcomes visitors and new members. With one teacher and one substitute teacher, the class is led in an on-going study of God’s Word. The study closely follows the United Methodist Lectionary, giving the class an expanded view of the pastor’s sermon that day.

The group enjoys frequent social outings together outside the Sunday School hour for fun and fellowship.

The Adult Bible Class meets in Room 112 in the Education Building at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday. Come, give it a try!

Asbury Study Group

The Asbury class is an eclectic assortment of individuals from diverse backgrounds with divergent opinions who are united by a common love of Jesus. The class meets to study the Bible and discuss life issues from a Biblical perspective. Our leader focuses the energetic discussions and tries to keep everyone on track. The class opens with coffee and prayer upstairs in Room 209 promptly at 9:15 a.m. – or whenever the current president is able to call the room to order!

Covenant Class

People of all ages attend the Covenant Class to explore how to live in relationship with each other and with God. Our lessons come from Christian study texts with emphasis on the Scriptures and how they apply to our everyday lives. The class has a discussion format. We have lots of discussion and everyone has an opportunity to express their opinions.

Stop by Room 101 on Sunday at 9:15 a.m. Desserts, the excellent coffee, the lively discussion, and the friendly class members will keep you coming every week.

Elementary Sunday School

St. Stephen’s Children’s Sunday School program teaches children from three (potty trained) to eleven the foundational stories of the faith. All children are invited to attend and visitors are always welcome. We gather in Room 106 from 9:15-10:15 a.m. on Sunday morning.


From birth to four years old, St. Stephen’s nursery is available every Sunday morning to show God’s love through gentle care.

Youth (Grade 6 Through Grade 12)

St. Stephen’s has an active and vibrant youth program. Sunday school for middle and high school students is in the Youth Activity Room (205). In addition, Jr and Sr High youth meet on first and third Sunday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. and participate in a variety of activities ranging from the fun to the serious.

Member Course

St. Stephen’s offers many opportunities to further your knowledge of God’s word. Courses in Christian Education can be found every Sunday in a variety of different Sunday School classes and throughout the year in various Bible studies. Listed below are just a sample of the courses open to the members and visitors of St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church.

Disciple One

The Foundational Overview

The first Disciple Bible study serves as the basis for all other studies in the Disciple family that follow. Over the course of 34 weeks, Disciple One covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testaments), following the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem.

Disciple Two

This 32-week study offers deeper examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts, emphasizing the rhythm of coming to God and going for God… approaching all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service.

Disciple Three

In the Old Testament Prophets and the Letter’s of Paul, this 32-week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community.

Disciple Four

The phrase “under the tree of life” conveys the promise of finding shelter, security, and rest in God’s love. In this 32-week study of the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude, and finally Revelation, participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward.

Covenant Bible Study

Covenant is an in-depth group Bible study in which participants read and discuss the Bible together, learning how to love God – and each other – better.

Three 8-episode segments each explore a different aspect of Covenant life. Each will examine what Covenant means, and the progression of a Covenant relationship with God.


Examines how the Covenant community is created and established.


Focuses on how the community lives out their Covenant in faithful love—how it’s applied to actual relationships in everyday life.


Looks at the crises that sometimes call Covenant life into question, and how we are restored to trust in God when troubling things happen.
Covenant represents a relationship—a living, breathing conversation. And we invite you to join in it.

Christian Believer

The Christian Believer program focuses on classical teachings of the Christian faith—presenting, explaining, and interpreting them in a way that participants can understand, through the use of words, symbols, and hymns. Over a 30-week period, participants will examine the writings of ancient and modern Christian commentators and view video presentations by leading Bible scholars.

Methodism 101

“United Methodism 101” (UM101) is designed for new United Methodists and anyone wanting to know more about the denomination, as well as long-time United Methodists who would like to check their basic knowledge of the church.